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Webhook Integration

Courier supports sending HTTP requests to a specified destination using the Webhook provider.

Profile Requirements

To deliver an HTTP request, Courier must be provided with a destination. For a static destination, you can specify the Webhook URL and Authorization type in the webhook integration setup page.

Dynamic Destination

If you need to specify the webhook destination on a per recipient basis, you can choose "Dynamic Destination" and pass the information in the recipient profile. These values should be included in the recipient profile as webhook.

"message": {
// Recipient Profile
"to": {
"webhook": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST", // default to "POST",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"authentication": {
"mode": "basic", //default to "none"
"username": "AzureDiamond",
"password": "hunter2"
"profile": "expanded" // default to "limited"


The webhooks provider supports basic and bearer authentication. You can select either type by setting authentication.method to basic or bearer and providing the credentials. Authentication defaults to None if not provided.

Basic Auth
"mode": "basic", //default to "none"
"username": "AzureDiamond",
"password": "hunter2"
Bearer Auth
"mode": "bearer",
"token": "ABCDEFG123456"

Expanded Profile

What profile information is included in the request payload can be specified by setting profile to either limited or expanded . The default setting is limited and will only included the profile data provided when the send API was called. Selecting expanded will include profile data merged from the profile database.

Request Payload

Based on how the profile is configured, the webhook provider will send the following payload using what was passed into the send method.

// Example Payload
"message": {
"template": "MY_EVENT",
"to": {
"email": "",
"phone_number": "+12025550165"
"data": {
"name": "Stan Pines",
"location": "Gravity Falls, OR"


You can use a provider override to replace what we send to the destination.

"message": {
"data": {
"hello": "world"
"providers": {
"webhook": {
"override": {
"url": "",
"method": "PUT",
"headers": {
"X-Custom-Header": "Hello from Courier"
"body": {
"key": "value"
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